• polygon

    Convex and Non-convex Polygons

    Convex and non-convex polygons are classifications of polygons. But what are polygons? Polygons are closed-plane figures made up of line segments and the segments intersect only at their endpoints. If it does not satisfy the definition, then it is considered not a polygon. A three-dimensional figure is not a polygon since it is not anymore a plane figure. A plane figure has only two dimensions, namely, length and width. Also, a polygon’s sides must have exactly two other sides connected to them at their endpoints. All the sides must be line segments, not curve or circular in manner. Therefore, figures like circles, cones and the like are not polygons. So…

  • gender identity

    Thoughts on Gender Identity

    Here are my thoughts on gender identity. You probably don’t want to hear it but here it is anyway. This will piss so many people given the “gender identity sensitivity” thing. I also know that there are a lot of people out there who have the same thoughts as me. What is gender identity by the way? Anyway, let’s cut the BS and dive into FACTS. First basic thing, generally, a human being is born with either of the two sexes — male and female, penis and vagina. Males grow and experience manhood while females experience womanhood. As simple as that. We have been existing our entire life and not…

  • learning, learned, woman back view

    10 Things I Learned as An Adult

    1. Peace of mind is the greatest luxury.  I learned as an adult that peace of mind is the greatest of luxuries and it is expensive. I know that by now. This world is already full of critics and cynics. Every day, I strive not to be one of them. Anyone can say anything to other people with or without tact so I learned how to master the art of not giving a damn about what they say. In this life, I prefer to preserve my energy and be conscious of my mental health. I don’t allow anyone who’s not worth my time take a space in my mind.              …

  • Life

    Reasons Why You Need to Keep Your Life Private

    Let me be direct. Are you one of those people who value privacy so much? Because I do. And I think if you’re like me, we would agree on what I have to say about the reasons why you need to keep your life private and away from prying, judgmental eyes.  I have always been selective of my circle of friends and who I trust with my deepest thoughts. I am not good at talking to strangers and I’m kind of indifferent if I’m in the middle of a crowd with no friends to talk to. In short, I’m awkward. BUT! I could be the most talkative person if I’m…

  • Music

    Wrong Direction: New Music by Hailee Steinfeld

    Have you heard of this new music, “Wrong Direction” by Hailee Steinfeld? If you haven’t, I think you should listen to it. Click this link right here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncV1TlNl9B8. You don’t have to be a musical genius to understand what it means because the lyrics are so direct and powerful. It doesn’t need much analyzing to understand that she’s been hurt and been through hell. Here’s the lyrics. Maybe you want to dive in to the depths of this song with me. I don’t hate you No, I couldn’t if I wanted to I just hate all the hurt that you put me through And that I blame myself for letting you Did you know…

  • Movie Reviews

    Movie Review: Marriage Story (2019 Film)

    Have you watched the movie yet? If you did, then we probably have the same sentiments over it. If you haven’t, then you might want to check this trailer first. Just click this link right here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHi-a1n8t7M I’m going to tell you a bit of information about this movie — Marriage Story, but certainly not the plot. We don’t want spoilers, do we? For sure you can just google it. But what I’m giving you is my honest review of the movie and the things that we can learn from it. What I like about it is it shows real life situations (the good and the bad sh**) and not…

  • Life

    Important Things That We Need to Know About Depression

    What is Depression?  According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary, depression is a serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way. Another definition of depression according to this link  https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/depression/what-is-depression is it’s a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also treatable. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person’s ability to function at work and at home. Depression can strike…

  • Mathematics

    Who are Better in Math? Boys or Girls?

    Math, the abstract science of numbers is most of the time (or is it always?) frowned upon by students in middle school. Who loves the subject anyway? I mean, aside from those few lucky souls, bless you. Kids, teenagers, college students honestly don’t want to dwell with the complexities of algebra and numbers for hours, do they? Like among Netflix, playing video games, internet and Math? Dude. Get real. It doesn’t stand a chance. But there seems to be this general idea that boys perform better than girls in Math. In most cases, boys are expected to perform higher than girls. So, what do we say about this? Here’s the…

  • Life

    What We Need is Kindness

    Life, an enigma itself sometimes throws us things and circumstances that can make us give up on ourselves and those around us. When everything is blurred and uncertain, all we could do is sit at the corner, lurk at the shadows and doubt every single decision we’ve made. Yes, we’ve had moments like this. We deal with our demons and struggle to live above them. When we couldn’t find hope and the darkness is threatening to devour us, sometimes, the only thing that can save us from ourselves is a brave and KIND soul. You may be very happy at this exact moment, but it would only take 2 seconds…

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